Leth's towage, semi-submersible and heavy-lift activities in Egypt commenced operations in the early 1990’s. Over the last 30 years, we have coordinated numerous offshore and towage transits through the Suez Canal. Our in-depth knowledge as transit managers in these segments have made us become the leading transit-agent in the Suez Canal for offshore, oil & gas clients. In 2020, we handled the world’s longest freight transport through the Suez Canal with a towage of 12 large diameter plastic-pipes with a combined length of 6,722 meters. We also coordinated the project-transits for the “Johan Sverdrup” oil field in Norway (2018/2021) and the “Marin 9/11A” oil field in the UK North Sea 2017.
Key projects and involvement as Suez Canal transit managers:
- TRUSTEE – Cargo: FPSO Modules for “Johan Castberg” 2022
- ASIAN HERCULES III Heavy Lift Crane Barge 2021
- ZHEN HUA 33 Semi-submersible Heavy Lift Vessel. Cargo: Floating dry-dock (173m x 52m) 2021
- GPO SAPPHIRE Semi-submersible Heavy Lift Vessel. Cargo: MSF Module “Johan Sverdrup Field” 2021
- PEGASUS Towage operation of 6722 meters of plastic pipes 2020
- BOKA SHERPA TOWING "YAN" Drillship 2020 FLOATEL TRIUMPH Semi-submersible accommodation rig 2020*
- DOCKWISE WHITE MARLIN Semi-submersible Heavy Lift Vessel. Cargo: Platform topsides “Johan Sverdrup Field” 2018
- GAZA MARINE TERMINAL Floating Storage Offloading Unit (FSO) 2016*
- ARMADA KRAKEN Floating Storage Production Unit (FPSO) 2015*
- NORCE ENDEAVOUR Crane Barge / Pipe Lay Vessel 2015*
- SPP NO.1 Floating Dry-dock (230m x 45m) 2015*
- BRAVE TERN Jack-Up Windmill Installation Vessel 2012
- AKER BARENTS Semi-submersible oil rig 2008
- AKER SPITSBERGEN (ALPHA) Semi-submersible oil rig 2007
- ALVHEIM Floating Storage Production Unit (FPSO) 2006
- SAFE CONCORDIA Semi-submersible accommodation rig 2006
- BYFORD DOLPHIN Semi-submersible oil rig 1995

We handle all types of offshore vessels, including:
- Semi-Submersible Heavy-Lift Vessels
- Heavy-Lift Crane & Offshore Barges
- Windmill Installation and Support Vessels
- Catamaran Ferries
- Crew Transfer Vessels (CTV)
- Offshore Support Vessels (AHTSV/PSV/Subsea)
- Floating Storage Regasification Vessels (FSRU)
- Floating Storage Production Vessels (FPSO)
- Floating Storage Offloading Vessels (FSO)
- Semi-Submersible Floatels
- Cable & Pipe Layer Vessels
- Semi-Submersible Oil Rigs
- Drillships (Oil & Gas)
- Floating Dry-Docks
- Dredgers